Thai Massage

An ancient system of massage and assisted stretching developed in Thailand and influenced by the traditional medicine systems of Asia. A Thai massage can help you relax, relieve aching muscles and boost your mood. It can also improve circulation, provide pain relief and promotes a general sense of well-being.

1hr £50 | 1.5hrs £70 | 2hrs £90

Herbal Sauna Massage

A herbal sauna massage offers numerous health benefits. Steam generated from boiled Thai herbs helps respiration, promotes better circulation and alleviates stress, whilst the sourness from the herbs helps to release toxins, cleansing the body and skin. It also relaxes muscles and reduces muscle and joint pains, migraines and headaches. A herbal sauna massage will benefit anybody and is particularly beneficial for women after pregnancy.

1hr £50

Thai Aromatherapy

1hr £50 | 1.5hr £70 | 2hrs £90

Deep Tissue Massage

1hr £50

Swedish Massage

This massage uses more oil than a traditional Thai massage but allows the therapist to work deeper into the muscles. By using traditional Swedish massage techniques the therapist will ease away tension within the body, stimulating circulation and helping to relax tense muscles and relieve pain.

1hr £50

Sports Massage

This massage offers deeper and heavier movements than conventional massages and is often used when there is a specific area of dysfunction in the body that needs addressing. It is generally a stronger style of massage that will help to relax the tightest of muscles.

1hr £50

Body Scrub

1hr £65

Pregnancy Massage

1hr £50 | 1.5hrs £70 | 2hrs £90

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese treatment which helps to eliminate toxins from the skin. It involves scraping the skin in various parts of the body to expand blood vessels to improve circulation. The treatment can also reduce muscle stiffness and tightness, and stimulates the lymphatic system to work more effectively.

Read more about the benefits of Gua Sha.

1hr £60

Thai Herbal Compression

1.5hrs £85

Thai Foot Massage

This involves applying pressure to the feet and legs using massage oils for instant relief of tiredness. Using reflexology principles, a foot massage focuses on pressure points and can induce relaxation, reduces anxiety and promotes circulation.

30min £30 | 1hr £50

Back, Neck & Shoulder

30mins £30 | 45mins £40

Manicure & Pedicure

Manicure £20 | Pedicure £20